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Argeo saves “a tremendous amount of time” by eliminating expert silos, lengthy content searches, and manual hand-offs with XaitPorter.

Read full customer story here

Argeo Saves “A Tremendous Amount of Time” For Tender and Proposal Quality


As a subsea service provider for oil and gas, Argeo faced many of the same time-consuming challenges that echo throughout the energy sector. Their documents are large and complex, require multiple experts, across different locations, and involve tight deadlines. These challenges were further complicated by working in a generic tool that blocked efficiency. 

“We knew XaitPorter had all the features we needed to efficiently collaborate on large and complex documents,” shared Dr. Tommy Samuelsberg, Chief Geologist at Argeo


Today, they have streamlined their complex tender and reports creation process from start to finish and develop large, complex documents faster without sacrificing quality. 

Read the full customer story to discover how XaitPorter helped Argeo save “a tremendous amount of time” for tender proposal quality.

Read full customer story
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