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ENGIE Solutions

ENGIE Solutions selected three candidates; Xait stood out against the competition.

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ENGIE Solutions Streamlines Their High-volume, Decentralized Proposal Process


As a world leader in low-carbon energy services, ENGIE Solutions faced several frustrating challenges that echo through the energy industry. A decentralized organization supported by an outdated tool 



“We had an in-house web solution that provided Word and PowerPoint offer masters by business line, content blocks and graphic offer templates. This solution had not been used for 2 years, as its updates depended on a single national administrator. What's more, as this solution offered rather limited content modularity, the offers were very long and lacked impact!”

- Romain NOYERE, Operational Marketing Director

With XaitProposal, ENGIE Solutions has achieved their goals for improving the quality of their proposals, in terms of both content and form. This improved quality has brought consistency to their offers and clients are taking notice.  

Read the full customer story to discover how this "high-performance, scalable tool" streamlines process for higher quality content.

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