XaitPorter enables ExploCrowd’s explorationists to unlock their potential and create value for themselves, their clients, and society.
Read full customer story hereKristian Lie-Bjelland
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About us
We can challenge mindsets and make significant changes to the way people interact
XaitPorter enables ExploCrowd’s explorationists to unlock their potential and create value for themselves, their clients, and society.
Read full customer story hereClient
Oil and Gas
Company size
ExploCrowd is an independent exploration company set out to challenge the way we currently explore for oil and gas in Norway.
Together with their strategic collaboration partners, ExploCrowd is creating a catalog of peer-reviewed ready-to-drill prospects to be available to oil companies. The oil and gas prospects can suit any exploration strategy, enabling exploration managers to deliver on their ambitious goals.
As discussed in a recent Upstream article, exploration on the Norwegian Continental Shelf has been disappointing in finding new discoveries for new standalone developments. The market turmoil, compounded by the COVID-19 outbreak, has left the industry reeling.
Amidst these disruptions and challenging times, explorationists are facing pressures from all sides. Being exhausted, rushing from task to task and meeting to meeting, is detrimental to creativity and motivation.
ExploCrowd founder, Sidsel Lindsø, wanted to create an optimal, disturbance-free workspace for explorationists, enabling creativity, innovation, competence and knowledge building – unhampered by the structural, strategic and economic limitations that typically exist in large oil companies.
So she started on a quest with a vision to build an efficient science and technology-based unlimited organization, with a network structure and underpinned by modern collaboration technology.
Today, ExploCrowd actively collaborates across disciplines and together with clients, to continuously integrate knowledge and new observations.
Lindsø elaborates:
– We’re mapping the entire Norwegian Continental Shelf, once and for all. This undertaking requires robust documentation, presented to our clients in the form of highly complex reports documenting our Integrated Regional Studies in detail. Ensuring the quality of these 400+ page reports is vital, as exploration is all about confidence. In my view, standard file-based content management solutions simply aren’t up to the task.
Ensuring the quality of these 400+ page reports is vital, as exploration is all about confidence. In my view, standard file-based content management solutions simply aren’t up to the task.
Download the case study as a PDF and read more about why XaitPorter is integral in documenting ExploCrowd’s process, and how working together on a flexible collaboration platform helps them blow away their clients with quality.
Read the full customer story below to discover how XaitPorter helped ExploCrown overcome these challenges.
Read full customer story